
What is iconstore (SVG)?

IconStore 是一个免费的矢量 (SVG) 图标库,由才华横溢的设计师们一同建立,全部的文件都可下载用于商业用途。 你可以在个人和商业作品中使用网站内的所有图标,无需要注明出处及原始链接,但如果你愿意注明作者或出处,我们会很感激你。 icon8 网站最初是一个提供免费 icon 资源的网站,但如果你也想找寻免费的高画质图像、矢量图像和免费音乐使用那就到这里!

What is the pngtree icon?

Pngtree 是一个拥有数百万个高画质的 png、矢量、模板和创意插图的网站。 多年来,它为 3000 万+ 设计师们和用户提供了许多方便且适合商业用途的图像内容! 想要一次浏览多种 icon 的人可以参考这个网页。 可以在个人和商业作品中使用网站内的所有图标,需要注明出处及原始链接。

What happens if I download an icon?

If you download an icon and find yourself looking at an EXE or MSI file — or any other installer or executable file — stop what you’re doing and delete it. Individual icons will typically be an ICO file if they were designed for use with Windows.

How do I change the icon in imageres?

Click “Browse,” navigate to the icon you want, select the desired icon, then click “OK.” Note: In this case, we just used the green-blue folder icon found in imageres.dll. There is no reason that your replacement has to be one of those icons. Once you click “OK,” the Properties folder will display the new icon you’ve selected.


